How to Clean Dryer Balls

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The trends of cleaning and drying have changed tremendously over the past decades and centuries. From washing clothes with water and rinsing only, now people use hundreds of different kinds of detergents, fabric softeners, bleaches, and fragrances for cleaning clothes. Previously, people hung clothes on strings and ropes to dry them in sunlight. Later, drying stands replaced the orthodox method before electric dryers came into being.

Washing machines with driers are essential in every house today. Yet, the modern era demands saving more time as "Time is Money." If you have just bought wool dryer balls on your friend's recommendation to dry your clothes faster, here's a dryer-ball-fact for you: "Dryer balls reduce drying time up to 10% to 25%." Using dryer balls in the dryer makes your life easier, but you might have observed that they get dirty over time. If yours have also become a little less "new," don't worry – it's normal!

We will tell you how you can clean your dryer balls effortlessly. But, let's first tell you a bit more about Dryer Balls that you might not know. (Or click here to jump to the cleaning guide.)

How do dryer balls help with drying clothes faster?

You will understand this better when you know how clothes dry in a dryer. When you put your clothes in a dryer, they spin like a washing machine, and water droplets are removed with the help of heat. The spinning, however, makes them compile on each other, increasing the total drying time.

When you add dryer balls to the dryer, they prevent the clothes from clumping together by rolling and tumbling in between the pieces of clothing. This allows all the clothes to get enough heat to evaporate the water droplets and dry the clothes efficiently and quickly.

How many dryer balls to use?

As they say, "the more the merrier." So, don't hesitate while buying many wool dryer balls as they come in handy. There might be times you haven't recharged (cleaned) one set and can take out another to use or need to add more for quick drying.

The number of dryer balls depends on two factors

·       How quickly do you want your clothes to dry

·       The size of the load

Commonly people use two to three dryer balls for a small load of laundry, but you can increase the number if you want to dry your clothes quicker. Recommended number of dryer balls for small loads is 3 balls, 6 to 8 balls for large loads, and up to 12 balls for extra-large loads of laundry.

Which dryer balls are the best?

Dryer balls come in two kinds, depending on their manufacturing material. You can find wool and plastic/ rubber dryer balls. While the plastic dryer balls are more durable, wool has shown better results with drying. They dry the clothes fast and are chosen more extensively as they are natural and biodegradable. Wool dryer balls also do not make any sound when bouncing in the dryer.

We guess, no, you can decide which ones you want for yourself!

Do dryer balls leave lint?

When we talk about wool dryer balls, many people ask about the lint, and we understand that it's natural to think about that. As wool dryer balls are made of wool without any synthetic material as absorbent, it is not possible to say that they cannot leave lint at all. But, no complaints are registered about lint on clothes by the use of wool dryer balls.

When to clean dryer balls?

Dryer balls do not need frequent cleaning, but it might be time to recharge your wool. If you don't know when to recharge or clean your dryer balls, you should remember a few factors. It is time to recharge your wool dryer balls when:

·       You observe that they look a little rough.

·       They do not work as efficiently as they did previously.

How to clean dryer balls?

Here is the big question – How to clean dryer balls?

Though, you might be surprised to know that the answer to this question is quite effortless. Here are a few easy steps to clean or recharge your dryer balls.


Yes, just toss them in your washing machine in a gentle setting. It is better to wash the dryer balls with hot water. Washing them allows them to rehydrate and get rid of any fiber buildup over time. Your wool dryer balls will get recharged after a good wash and become suitable for use again.


Ironic that your dry wool balls help dry clothes, but they need proper drying to be fit for use! But the best part is the ease of washing and drying them. Dry them in the dryer at high heat to get rid of waterlogged in them.

Your dryer balls are good as new now!

Do you need a fabric softener with dryer balls?

If you don't already know about the benefits of using dryer balls besides faster drying, let us tell you some.

·       Dryer balls also help to decrease static cling between clothes.

·       The wool and smooth-rolling of clothes in the dryer allow them to be soft when they don't rub on each other.

However, you can add some if you want.

How long do dryer balls last?

10,000 loads of laundry! Yes, they can last as much as 10,000 loads of laundry, up to 5 years, depending on how often you do laundry.


Dryer balls are an efficient gadget for days you are in a hurry and want your laundry to dry as quickly as possible. You can use as many balls as you want to achieve the results you require. Wash and dry them properly to recharge them for many more uses. Dryer balls not only aid in quick drying of your clothes but also prevent static cling and keep your clothes soft.

Buy them today and toss them in your dryer with the laundry for as long as 2 to 5 years without worrying about a re-purchase!


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